I ask the admins to add my address to the airdrop form. I was active on the testnet and one of the early contributors to softdao. My address was in the first form and now it is not in any new form. It’s some kind of mistake.
I also ask you to return the status of my KYC in full as it was.
All participants who have the same problem leave a comment under this post and like this suggestion
I have the same problem. My account adress deleted from the 2nd list and KYC disabled. I participated in Acala, Manta, Bitcountry, Moonwell tokensales and maybe some other. Also participated in the Testnet and registered in SoftDao forum. I used 3 different adreses for tokensales and one my KYC. It was ok. I was in first list. But now no one adress in list.
I was a member of the testnet, and SoftDao. My address was in the previous form, but it was deleted in the new one. Add my address to the whitelist
i have same problem. Add my address pleace. I didn’t break the community rules. I was an active testnet participant
I have the same problem. KYC was correct, then failed.
i have same problem. Add my address pleace. I didn’t break the community rules. I was an active testnet participant
my discord YliaDanilova#6641
my wallet 0xA931D7bDFd8cF6506ccF8e873E6fC60daB6E5A66
Same here guys. I’ll just copy my DC message here if it’s ok:
Hello. My wallet address was in the first list for the airdrop for the testnet participating. Now it isn’t in the list anymore. This is probably a mistake, because my KYC is ok, my e-mail verification is ok, I have OG nad Testnet Gang roles in Discord (Bistem#3441) and I don’t see any reason for excluding my wallet from the list. Fix this mistake please, thank you.
My wallet address: 0x4a94ff3bebeea9e3fb7b62832d836b5fb14182f1
Hi my address not in whitelist
I think its mistake
I’m not bot i dont use many account try to drop
I have just 1 adress
My kyc complete
Have a same problem. Please re-consider.
Same, i spent more than 5k$ on tokensales starting from acala. All was fine,
KYC - check
Early project paricipation + web 3 testing - check
discord activiry - check
im not even on the list while i supported project since 2021. thats unfair and sad. i call dev team to revise the list
ETH - 0x10D16A49abe3Fd65469d9022aeb8a9317d4B0Ffd
my wallet was on the first list, now it is not on any of the lists, re-check please.
KYC - check
Gmail - check
i have only one wallet
Me too KYC - check
Gmail - check
i have only one wallet
my wallet was on the first list, now it is not on any of the lists, re-check please.
Hi! I have only one wallet. My KYC and email was verified. I was in the first list whitelisted but not in the last. I was active testnet participant. My wallet: 0xd1D56e4ec7B6fBBA2AA00E62DF188b971bf0152b
I do testnet since rounds 1 - 5 with one wallet and passed KYC.
I always support Tokensoft but I don’t understand why you remove me from the last list.
anyone can explain this situation? It’s not fair for early users.
What happened? My KYC and email was verified and I was in the first list whitelisted but removed from the last list. I have one wallet 0xb6D160EAAa8EF67a4999f0dc26bA30E85d5C081b
My wallet:
0xcC461e530c3FD22df258dF28C9F68fD60558401A /
my wallet disappeared from the list, it is neither in the ban list nor in the usual one, but I passed both KYC and testnet. And I went from one account. It was on the list, but now it’s gone. HELP!
I have the same problem. I have passed on the first list . But now my wallet address was dropped .Then I checked in the Tokensoft Apps I found that verification tabs was failed. But before this I already did verification .I also passed several testnet. Please check KYC
status of verification for me .My wallet is 0xEccCF0273484e0C70Fd60c6689d764bC808E8744
I participated in all the sales before, participated in the testnet, I am a member of DAO, but my wallet is not on the list. Why was I not added?
Hello. My wallet was listed in Airdrop. But now my wallet is not in the list of Airdrop, nor in the list of bans. Passed KYC, mail is confirmed. In discord (Dimttim#4272) have the role of DAO, OG, Testnet Gang. I’m sure there was an error, fix it please.