Update (November 12): The SOFT Drop - a SOFT DAO community airdrop

The DAO’s core team and compliance providers were especially scrupulous about verifying identity for the Soft Drop to ensure a fair distribution to all users that qualified.

To that end, several tactics and levels of analysis were employed to ensure that everyone on the Soft Drop had a valid “proof of participation” and “proof of personhood”.

Further, the DAO wanted to make sure that no one person would unfairly have access to a higher allocation than anyone else.

If you previously had two or more wallets on the soft drop eligibility list, you will notice you now only have one. It is also recommend to check the status of ALL WALLETS under their control before submitting tickets to Support.

If it was identified that a wallet was suspiciously associated with other accounts those were also removed. Some community members may be frustrated that wallets were removed from this list.
However, for those of you that still have an allocation coming to you, you are doing the right things and the DAO and wider community appreciate and commend your integrity. Your integrity aligns with the DAO’s core values of fairness and transparency.

The Soft Drop distribution is the foundational allocation of the SOFT token. All token holders will have voting rights and be able to participate in the governance of the DAO. An initial unfair distribution from the Soft Drop would allow a group of wallets to collude and participate in the DAO in a way inconsistent with the type of fair governance the DOA is trying to establish.

These could be anything from a benign proposal being accepted to full scale coordinated attacks. It is also important that the diversity of voters is maintained as the Soft DAO is a global community with different cultures and beliefs that are equally valid.

List of verified and approved users: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmQUSSd4A6nBQpzDroAdF6Pdf9Wqa4i9oWRJBzkyZZQRAe


I like it :heart:
I love SoftDao, respect to the team
Reduced from 30458 to 22597.
A lot of work has been done, really deserves a lot of respect. Thanks
Glad to be here!
SoftDao - rock web3 :metal:


Hello! Myself in the list of those who were weeded out, I did not find myself. I looked in the airdrop list, too, did not find myself. Why ?

P.S: I wrote to the admin in the discord, now I just have to wait for Monday to get an answer.


I didn’t survive even though I used one account and all kyc passed.

I’ve always participated in the test, according to the rules, but my account was dropped.


The fairness and transparency that are the DAO’s essential values are in line with your integrity.
I follow the rules, and I appreciate your recognition.
thank you Tokensoft for rewarding :heart:


How did it happen that my address was on the list, and now it’s not there? I did everything right and didn’t break the rules.


Спасибо. Уверена проверка была проведена четно. Награду получат реальные люди, а не накрученные мультиаки


Totally agreed, appreciated your hard work and I’m glad to be part of the recognition.

Look forward to seeing new activities from the community very soon.


Hi team what to do if your wallet is gone and you are not on the naughty list? I didn’t break any rules please help me


i passed all my KYC i have my wallet on first round but now my account dropped and do not have the list on bad actor list. can u help thank


Hello, they took my wallet from the last list, I have one verified account, participated in all test sales and have the role of dao, please check, I am also not in the deleted


great news. i agree with this decision of the team. will you distribute the tokens of blocked wallets?


Hello! My wallet is not in both lists! although it was in the first one! kyc passed and mail is confirmed !!What to do in this situation?


First of all, thanks for update! I love this project. I’ll see the development. good to be here, thanks


Hi guys! I have a problem! one account participated in all activities and you excluded me from the list of drop wallets! So not fair guys!))) fix it urgently!
chek this adress please


My wallet is on the list. I did not make duplicate wallets for unfair distribution. The team did a good job to weed out dishonest people.


everything is good)) Let`s move on. I will be rich)) SOFT forever.Tested on my own experience,everything is done fairly


Nice) My wallet is on the list. . The team did a good job to weed out dishonest people. Look forward to seeing new activities from the community very soon.


Yes, all efforts were in vain! I was one of the first to pass testnets, waited for them to start, connect my wife to participate … But in the end, at first they did not confirm the identity of my wife. And now my account has been weeded out for a drop. It is very sad what attitude to the community!


I used Tokensoft from the beginning of this yesr, I have passed KYC a long time ago and repassed the 2nd time in the summer for testnet. I took part in testnet company and did all tasks.
I was eligble in the first list of testnet and I had successfull KYC veryfication.
The 2nd time I was not eligble…
