Airdrop qualify

You are right and you are wrong at the same time.
If testers only from the first round may get airdrop it should be clarify on the beginning, otherwise everyone should get some tokens.

Another thing that anoying me that someone get airdrop for retweet or beeing active on Discord. Wrrr so maybe someone can explain - is tester should testing or be active?
So lets say you have a new exchange (devnet), you have a 30k community and they are all incredible active on Discord but noone is doing any trades - is that ok for you to run mainnet? I don;t think so.

So if you want active community, no problem, but doing a tests is something totaly different.
Sometimes I runs a test and I’m finding a lot of bugs, but I’m not on Discord. At the other side, people says there is totaly no any issues. Am I good cadidate to participate for airdrop or not?

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you need to take into account the fact that early users joined to help the project earlier than the rest who flew here after the announcement of airdrops, so it’s quite fair that phase 1 will receive more of the latter

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I believe that the drop should be distributed fairly, for example by the number of rounds, the more, the more coins.Or translate the test coins in this in some kind of equivalent.

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Hi, everyone, it would be cool if they added NFT, depending on the number of participations of airdrops.

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The top project. One lf the best project in crypto. I want work in this community.So good idea for project

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the final distribution is interesting, whether all participation or only periods will be taken into account

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