$SOFT Use Cases & Utility


Now that DAO has approved the use of $SOFT tokens we think it’s important to discuss use case(s) and utility. Ultimately it will be up to the DAO to determine $SOFT’s final form and usage.

It would be great to hear from the DAO and greater community re: suggested token utility; we welcome your feedback.

Based on Forum feedback and community discussions we have (so far):

Token sale whitelist allocations

Tokensoft remains an industry leader for compliant fair launches of new tokens. As our platform continues to grow, we recognize the need to offer allocations to our community members. Sometimes it can be difficult to secure your spot, and we want to ensure that those who have supported us from our early days remain able to participate as we grow. The $SOFT token could function to offer guaranteed allocations in Tokensoft sales. By reserving a set of allocations to holders, we can ensure proper incentive alignment.

Ecosystem grants

In our quest to Decentralize Everything, we recognize the importance of community contributions. In the spirit of decentralization, we hope to see robust contributions from the community. The $SOFT token could serve to incentivize community contributions via ecosystem grants, rewards, and bounties to developers, third-party service providers, and even individual users who enhance the ecosystem. Ultimately, the specifics of how these incentives are distributed will be up to the community via DAO governance. We hope the DAO will consider this use case.

Community rewards/airdrops

Since 2017, a lot of the meta in crypto and web3 has revolved around token sales. While we expect this trend to continue, we also see a number of new projects launching that bypass this step entirely. This can be done by community airdrops and other rewards systems. We believe it’s critical to offer access to these rewards for our loyal community. $SOFT token allows members of the SOFT DAO to cash in on some of these benefits that we increasingly see in our industry.


We’ll aim to solve DAO governance challenges across the board. After careful consideration, we’ve settled on a flexible solution known as Genesis Governance. With Genesis Governance, voting tokens have an increased voting weight only while locked in a genesis vesting contract. This method of governance identifies and rewards those most aligned with the DAO’s long-term success, increasing voting power for (a) those present when a project begins, before markets exist, who tend to be mission-driven rather than profit-driven, and (b) those who hold long-term (rather than trade), who tend to care more about long-term project success than short-term price action. We believe that this framework offers the best trade-offs to ensure long-term viability of the project.

Community feedback will be aggregated; uses cases which receive the most likes in reply to this thread will be elevated to the DAO/Core Team for evaluation.

Approved Use Cases will be put to a vote Wednesday October 19th, 2022 at 9pm UTC.


Token sale whitelist allocations is a great idea for token utility. This will be value for community.


I know it’s very difficult to start everything from scratch and calculate everything, I’m sure your team has a very difficult task about the future role of the token, there are two ways 1 way this tao token functions as funding for young development teams, then it will be difficult to attract investors. 2 way to follow the path of holders dao token and encourage them with a guaranteed allocation of 20%, for example, the token holder will receive a guaranteed place in the sale of tokensoft if the allocation amount is $ 2500, then he is guaranteed to receive a 20% allocation for $ 500 and the remaining amount of $ 2000 he will participate in a random lottery, if the total the allocation amount is $500, then he is guaranteed to receive his allocation for 20%, he will pay $100 and the remaining amount of $400 he participates in a random:man_shrugging:t2:How approximately can this be done, suppose from a total token emission of 1 billion of them, we will allocate 50 million for this enterprise for token for investors :grin:, an ama session will be held, a sale on Tokensoft, then introduce vesting and linear distribution of the SoftDao token for 2-3 years, listing and price the token will undoubtedly take off, this is a cool incentive for investors and ordinary buyers. Now let’s designate how many tokens you need to have, for example, a person has 1000-5000, this is all about, he has the right to a guaranteed allocation of 20%. And the remaining 950 million tokens are intended for the ecosystem, for a grant, listing marketing, here are some thoughts, suggest or suggest improvements, dear members of the Dao forum:man_shrugging:t2::upside_down_face::white_check_mark:


With your permission, I will express my humble opinion…
Token sale whitelist allocations
:100: this is a proven classic, the question is in the details.
Ecosystem grants
To a certain extent, this is a great innovation! No one will oppose it.
Community rewards/airdrops
Of course! Our friendly community needs this! :heart:
:100: this will only bring benefits and opportunities!

And I’ll add my own. At this point, the concept already looks great :fire:
Maybe it makes sense to consider options for profitable staking\farming…

Also perhaps we should seriously think about the elements of deflation. In the medium and long term, this will add to everyone’s optimism.

and an interesting point was discussed here:

To save you time… In general the main thesis is this:
Let the projects choose, give them airdrop, or maybe lower the price of their token for soft holders :slight_smile: Include this in the list of advantages, as an additional motivation to hodl the $SOFT token. To be an airdrop(discounts) or not to be, will be decided in the discussion between the project team and Tokensoft. And it will primarily depend on the situation and the capabilities of the project.


Hi, Nick.

Great suggestions, here are my options:

  1. Priority queue for Token sale:

tier 1 -… tokens ( 10% )
tier 2 -… tokens ( 25% )
tier 3 -… tokens ( 40% )
tier 4 -… tokens ( 60% )
tier 5 -… tokens ( 100% )

  1. Staking a token with a fixed apy.

  2. Reward pool - the issuance of tokens for the possession of a token (from the allocated number of tokens).

  • Monthly pool formation and proportional distribution among token holders.

  • Every month the number of tokens in the pool decreases.

  1. The Deflationary Token Model:
  • Burning part of the commissions from transfers within the network.

  • Quarterly/annual token redemption and burning (sending to an unknown address);

  • burning of tokens by introducing paid staking (1-3% of the amount);

  1. access to a closed channel in the discord with the tokensoft team

  2. Discount at Tokensoft clothing store (30-40%)


A rational solution to create a stable and reliable community for this project. Linear token unlocking. Legal participation in pre-sale preparation. Placement of tokens. Voting. All this leads to stability and growth prospects!


Hi, my suggestion: To increase the value of the token, I suggest using use it in on Launchpad. The more $Soft tokens you have, the more coins you will get from another project


We’ll aim to solve DAO governance challenges across the board. After careful consideration, we’ve settled on a flexible solution known as Genesis Governance. With Genesis Governance, voting tokens have an increased voting weight only while locked in a genesis vesting contract. This method of governance identifies and rewards those most aligned with the DAO’s long-term success, increasing voting power for (a) those present when a project begins, before markets exist, who tend to be mission-driven rather than profit-driven, and (b) those who hold long-term (rather than trade), who tend to care more about long-term project success than short-term price action. We believe that this framework offers the best trade-offs to ensure long-term viability of the project.
Here are the right words written … It is necessary to really give more tokens to hold those who makes a more active participation in the development of the community and the DAO, who makes suggestions for improvement and more correct decision-making. Again, I think that a member of the community, which has more tokens DAO, would have a greater rating and his voice in decision-making would be valued more!


I would like to consider the $SOFT token as a kind of “index”. Those. projects that will run on the platform will have a part of this “index”. The success of the launched project will increase the value of the “index” itself and vice versa. The community decides which project to include in this index.


Did I understand correctly that holders will have an increased chance of allocation? If that’s the case, then that’s just great!


It’s a complicated process and it’s not so easy to calculate without a mathematical way of thinking!KomaRick is a friend of mine and I’m sure he spent hours putting forward his proposal and it’s worth listening to him!


Personally, I don’t have any ideas for improvement yet. I believe that in the process of launch and operation they will appear. Only the decision to manage the treasury and financing causes doubts, there are doubts about competence, given the nature of the comments on the forum. :slight_smile: There is an idea that proven crypto influencers and development specialists should be given more vote power when it comes to financing any projects. Which, in turn, may also entail the use of the treasury for their own purposes. Dont have a clue yet how to minimise those risks.


I think that each project should decide for itself whether to give an allocation, an airdrop or a reduced price for participants of DAO. Based on their: marketing strategy, distribution strategy and local laws.


There is an idea that there should be a ranking system, the success of DAO participants as a result of their decision-making. In case of making successful or unsuccessful decisions, it should change. In addition, the participant’s behavior should influence voting power. If he is flipper, power drops, if he is holder, staker, etc., power goes up. Proportions of drop\allocation can also change proportional to vote power, to motivate ppl to take a part in processes deeper ant to make community more healthy. As a concept.


To be sure, even the concept of the DAO is exceedingly exciting, as it strives to untangle everything that is wrong with modern organizations. A perfectly designed DAO provides all investors with the opportunity to shape the organization. There is no hierarchical structure, so any innovative idea can be put forward by anyone and the views of the whole organization are taken. The pre-written rules and voting system, which every investor learns before joining the organization, leaves no room for discussion.
Moreover, since both proposing and voting costs the investor a certain amount of money, it forces them to reconsider their decisions rather than waste time on useless solutions. Finally, DAOs are completely transparent, as all rules, like all financial transactions, are registered on the blockchain for all to see. Everyone involved has a say in deciding how funds are spent, and they can track how those funds are spent.


Sounds like a good solution to have both growth and stability into the future.
More tokens for those who make an active rol could increase their asertivness in helping the system contributing to a more steady and succesfull comunity.
Looking forward hearing more about it!


I agree on all points!
I think that we need to pay more attention to the item “Community awards /air landings” in order for the community to be interested in the long-term viability of the project.
I think that the principles and solutions from the article “The Soft Drop” should be applied to this point, namely :

  1. Contribution Caps — The ability to set a cap on how much can be LP’d
  2. Price Locks — The ability to lock a token until it hits a certain market price
  3. Time Locks — The ability to lock a token for a specific period or time

Whale Prevention
Whales, sometimes referred to as mercenary capital, can gain an unfair advantage in soaking up additional tokens at the expense of general users. In order to ensure an outsized number of tokens doesn’t go to a single early investor or to whales that view ownership of the token transactionally. Sybil resistant contribution caps can help prevent this from occurring.

Tourist Prevention
Yield tourists can come with smaller amounts of capital but in great numbers. Apathetic frens can create a noisy community due to their lack of understanding of the product they are using, and their tendency to dump the coin will be much higher.

I think these solutions are very effective!


Nice work ,respire
Love you guys , make more great project to let this world be better
DAO is a great thing


Goodjob niceproject hardwork go go go lui lui lui painai painai gun jengpeng keng kra dod aou noina pai gin