Creation "SOFT DAO NFT PASS" for early birds with bonuses

I have a lot of experience in participating in many projects, including being a Tao Voter. With this experience and great love for Tokensoft, I propose to release special nfts (can be in the form of POAP, to save money). For example, it had functions like privilege:

  • increased coefficient to get to the top of the queue when participating in token purchases;
  • a coefficient increasing the right to vote in the Dao, so that it is not the rich who influence the project, but the first, most loyal users;
  • increased APYs in staking on certain sites, this can be implemented like this, i.e. creating colaborations;
  • the list can be supplemented with community suggestions.

Hello everyone good idea! I suggest using the animated logo that I have prepared for this!))) SOFDAO - Google Drive


great idea. support. this will give the community an additional boost of interest and may attract additional members of the community.


Very good idea. A very sensible offer that adds value to every member of the community, could possibly stimulate more activity in various community-related applications!


I fully support that the history of interaction in the DAO, affect the characteristics of karma (for example) and from it give different priorities in the IDO and various events in the life of the community. I was only suggesting to do it as a NFT passport with SNS name

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Very good idea , This concepts can be eligible our community in the future I agreed of your opinion

Thanks for idea

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I think it is a good idea! great offer. may be it will be interesting if it is not poap but NFT with rarity.

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thats a brilliant idea, giving the power in the hands of active and loyal users is superb in long term i belive it will be more profitable for whole project than increasing % of APRs

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thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssss I think it is a good idea! great offer. may be it will be interesting if it is not poap but NFT with rarity.

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NFT must come with great utility. Pass is of course one of them. But not only.
Just NFT - yeah, we can start with that.


Don’t really like this NFT at every step - trend. Can we just check previous contributions on accounts?

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I like your proposal. This is how most projects are doing now. I received the NFT, which means I fulfilled all the requirements, and there will be no problems in the future (KYC has flown, etc.)

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I like your idea, now many projects are practicing this, and there will be no problems in the future, with confirmation of your actions, if you received it, then you did it!

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Very good idea , This concepts can be eligible our community in the future.And i think this gonna be good.Most of the people who attended And being limited by the amount of NFT will be a must. As for the people before, they didn’t do it.

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