Regenerate SoftDrop List & Accelerate Vesting

Regenerate SoftDrop List & Accelerate Vesting


Regenerating the SoftDrop List

The SoftDAO proposes a full regeneration of the SoftDrop eligibility list. In this regeneration, eligibility will be determined by Proof of Participation and Proof of Personhood.

Proof of Participation includes:

  • past purchases in Tokensoft powered events
  • participation in Softernet rounds
  • purchases on before 28 Oct, 2022

Proof of Personhood is determined by:

  • KYC status
  • other on-chain analytical data
  • anti-sybil checks

NOTE: all Tokensoft Status Verification form submissions from the last few weeks will be considered as well as any more requests submitted in the next 96 hours.

  • Users should only submit one request per account they plan to submit for review.
  • Community Members should only verify/submit one wallet per account. Attempting to verify more than one account will fail verification.
  • Community Members who have participated in non-ETH, non-Metamask, legacy platform sales will need to link the corresponding wallet address which was used to participate in previous launches so the team can link past sale participation to a verified v2 platform address.

Ultimately, the goal is to identify one wallet per user on the SoftDrop list. The SoftDAO is built on a foundation of trust, transparency, and fairness. This proposal aims to cement those values.

Accelerating Vesting

The SoftDAO has also discussed vesting schedules around the different allocations of the Soft token. The DAO feels it would be in the best interest of the project and the community if vesting terms for the community airdrop were set in favor of a shorter cliff and a faster vesting schedule. This ensures that the token is circulating in an earlier timeframe which can also assist the SoftDAO in accomplishing its mission. Therefore, Community discussions are in support and we heretofore propose the following lockup and vesting schedule: 1-month lockup period from claim date, followed by 2 years of linear, continuous vesting.


If the DAO approves this proposal via multisig vote, two things will happen:

  1. the selected compliance provider will re-review the list of qualifying airdrop participants to account for users who may have previously failed KYC, and
  2. Vesting terms for the SoftDrop will be adopted.


This proposal will remain open for around 48 hours before voting. After that, the DAO will have 48 hours to vote on the proposal, which will begin on Sunday, November 27 at 21:00 UTC, and end on Tuesday, November 29 at 21:00 UTC.


Dear Soft DAO Community,

Before posting, be sure that:
(a) Your comment is well-thought-out
(b) Your comment is intended to contribute to the discussion
(c) Your comment is a new thought rather than a summary of another post

We look forward to your feedback!


I completely agree, it is necessary to verify by KYC and a more transparent screening system is needed, because I have all the criteria, I participated in testnets, but my wallet was not on the list. This begs the question, what was the selection? I think if a candidate meets the conditions, he should be on the drop list.


I fully support the solution. I was on the intermediate list, then my address disappeared, and KYC also flew off on the mainsite.


First of all, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who supported my post, the screenshot of which is attached to this message. Thanks to your support and activity, we are discussing this decision today.

I have already expressed my opinion that it is necessary to update the list again, and I believe that the criteria chosen by the team correspond to the wishes of the community.
Also, in connection with the changes in the “proof of participation”, I consider it necessary to revise the percentage of allotment of tokens to different categories of participants.


The offer is good, I have a question:
For example:

  1. I have been participating in the purchase of tokens on the Tokensoft site since 2021.
  2. Participated in all tightnets from the very beginning, and someone did 1 or 2 or 3 testnets.
  3. Got the role of DAO and was active on the forum and discord.
    Will they all have the same reward and are considered equal in the drop, or the more activities, the greater the drop?

It’s not clear in the topic about Proof of Participation. You propose to meet all 3 requirements or only one of them is enough?
However I think it’s too late to change the rules in the end, hoping to receive more reward. Not everyone who participated in the testnets will meet the criterias. IMHO this step will kill confidence of the community to the project.


I agree, it didn’t work out honestly (the KYC was framed, flew off by itself, not for my reason. As a result, I can’t do anything. It’s such a vicious circle. They removed the list from the drop, there is no wallet in the ban list. It’s nowhere to be found. I can’t restore the KYC. I would like some intelligible solution, and help. Thanks


I agree with the proposals. I think it will help honest participants to be qualified. But would like to clarify, if member took part only in testing rounds, will he be also eligible for drop? Or all 3 points should be reached?


That’s good to know guys, I think everything is crystal clear in this topic, it’s good to be here. Looking forward to next stage


looks fine. I have a question. I was involved in a project supported by tokensoft before, but I did not buy it. In this case, how will me and someone who has done KYC Verification like me qualify or qualify?


The most important criteria are the purchase of sales, participation in test rounds and the KYC procedure. This is the most fair decision of all possible. we look forward to the new list and believe in a fair result.


The rules should be the same for everyone. If a person participated in tokensales and testnet, he should be on the list. But if someone tried to cheat the system and make several different wallets, they have no place among us. At the same time, I support the opinion of other participants that, depending on the number of activities (tokensales, testnet rounds), the drop should be different and correspond to the contribution of each participant.


First of all, thanks to everyone involved.

Those who participate in all tours and those who participate in only one tour should not be equated.

Anyone trying to join with multiple accounts should be strictly weeded out. This is called labor theft.

Conditions for qualifying AIRDROP should be aggravated.
For example; Instead of just a tour
such as attending all tours or at least three

I think this will eliminate most of the multi-account participants.

and you will be observing the rights of those who take time, follow, work and participate in all tours.

as this will also increase the per capita airdrop volume
When you give people good money with a good airdrop, it’s talked about everywhere and you can’t buy this universal crypto ad anywhere.

The return of this to tokensoft will definitely be many times over in every way.

and there are those among us who are more active for Softdao than others, who try, participate in video-making events, help other people without expecting anything in return, they should not be ignored.

For example; These people buy hats, t-shirts etc from the softdao market. Sending gifts will make both parties happy.



Hello team, hello community.
First: I have a question: do you propose to take into account all three conditions for participation (Proof of Participation) Or is one enough?
Secondly, I suggest taking into account the number of participations in tests and issuing tokens according to the number of participations.
for example, if a user participated in 1 testnet round then he will receive 100 tokens.
if the user participated in 2 testnet rounds then he will receive 200 tokens.
if the user participated in 3 testnet rounds, then he will receive 300 tokens…
So the contribution to the development of the project will be taken into account …


Agrre, I am also provided all this information in google form for “bad actors”. So this is a really good idea because a lot of normal user got rejected


I’m always thankful to the team that works hard.
I think this proposal is always helpful to the team and members.
I think people who always participate hard in upcoming events need more compensation, and I think this proposal will also have a good impact if we can properly find participants and bots that damage the members.


I completely agree with this solution.Also I am pleased to see your efforts about this subject.Thanks


I fully agree with this message.
It’s too late to change everything completely. I hope nothing changes.


Totaly agree with props.
I participated in the sales, in testnet too, was verified but after that kicked off from the list for drop :see_no_evil::man_shrugging:t2:
Live person, never use bots or something.
Filed both forms to reconsider, hope team will return my wallet to list for drop.