Rewards for Leading Crew3 Participants

It would be nice to give reward to top contributors, but there is members more than 10 ppls. The lesser than top 10 is also do contribute, they should get some rewards for did contribute too.


If we are talking about rewards for the past sprint, then:

  1. It is a pity that the data cannot be restored, as the current places and sprint places are different. I know this for sure, at the time of the sprint I was not in 2nd place, as I am now.
  2. Any reward is always pleasant. And yes, this is a good solution in terms of DAO resource turnover. But, there may be difficulties with the delivery of goods. If, nevertheless, the solution remains in the form of credits for merch, then these should be certificates with a minimum face value, at least they can be presented to someone.

If we are talking about the reward for the entire history of the CREW3 for everyone, then:

  1. TOP 10, very few, actually more than 10 active users participate, in any case, I think this can be seen in the statistics of Crew3 .
  2. As of February 01, 2023 00:00:00 UTC, a snapshot of all participants in the CRY3 program is required, this will allow further use of the data for the benefit of all.

I wrote about it several times, I support it very much. But there are a couple of nuances:

  1. It is necessary to improve the verification, since I noticed several times the banal copying of my content and these were users in the ~ TOP 20.
  2. When there is an understanding of the deadline, it is easier to systematically complete tasks. As a result, it is possible that there will be a large number of participants with the same number of points. Crew3 does not solve the problem of ā€œwho did it beforeā€ and this would not be fair since everyone is in different time zones. In short, a mechanism is needed to resolve such a situation, since the pool of rewards is not rubber.
    #SoftDAO - rock web3 :metal:

Yes, rewards and prizes for leading Crew3 people who are supporting SoftDao project is a great idea but not for 10 people, letā€™s rewarded more people!


I fully support your thoughts about awards in CREW3; I think the community deserves a fairer distribution - after all, this is the reputation of the projectā€¦


My opinion on the distribution is to divide the top 100, up to 500-1000, into several categories. as many tasks require a financial outlay and this top 100 will actually be the same throughout, due to purchases and various acquisitions. It is necessary to balance the participantsā€™ chances of distributing the rewards.


This idea is definitely not a bad one, but it seems to me that rewarding softdao coins would be the best thing. And if itā€™s better to reward with coins, itā€™s better with large locks, you definitely shouldnā€™t forget about users on crew3 :slightly_smiling_face:


It is also important to distribute the reward fairly and fairly and not make a mistake in thisā€¦For example, at the moment the forum is actively discussing the award among the first ten (10) people, this will be the main award and the first 100 people will receive a smaller award. This particular vote is being considered now, but the fact is that the project team has never participated in this sprint and does not understand how much time and effort it takes to complete tasks in questsā€¦ I am on the 15th place in the leaderboard and I want to say that it would be fair to divide the award into 3 stages.1-10, 11-33, 34-100, place in the leaderboard, my personal opinion


the main thing is that the reward be substantial. because the tasks for crew3 from different projects have long been discredited.


Rewards are good for the crew3 members participation. We want more participation from crew3. Giving rewards to top 10 only will disincentive more participation. When people sees that number 10 is too far away, they will not want participate any more. Top 100 would be more appropriate.


Inventing rules after the fact is not very correct. To award the top 10 participants in such a big project is just ridiculous. In my opinion, there should be a top 500 with a differentiated distribution of rewards and the best reward is project tokens.


My opinion is that any work should be rewarded. The question is how heavy it was and how well it was made. Iā€™m for awards!


Hello :wave: SoftDao forum members, Iā€™m very glad that I participated in the tests with all the guys, it brought a lot of experience and pleasure. Iā€™m also glad that the number of awarded places on crew3 has been increased, I would like to continue holding drawings on crew3 for those who could not get places with awards, thanks for listening or reading :partying_face:


Itā€™s a good idea to reward active users in crew3, but I would also like to reward not only those who are in the top 10, but also, for example, random 10 winners (the more experience, the more chance of winning)


Hello, glad to see that our passion and time will be rewarded. And I am also agree with many of us that we need to create opportunity for other participants.

We can do a Tier system

500-1000 or smth like this.


Once again, I will write my opinion! I support the teamā€™s decision to revise the rewards for CREW3 participants; after all, there are many who joined us only for this activity and did not participate in the test rounds of sales. And such participants, I think, should also be something motivated. And also I think that during the project it is necessary to think how to motivate people who will join us in the course of development of the project.
May the power of true DAO be with us!!!


In my opinion, this is the best offer on the forum. I support!

The only thing: perhaps for marketing purposes (creating a more positive mood in the community), it makes sense to increase the number of awarded places to 500.


Finally! Thereā€™s already so much discussion on discord
Saw somewhere above suggested a tier system, totally agree with it :metal:


I propose to make an NFT collection for the top 888 users in crew3. With 11 first in the ranking give away legendary (gold), next 111 in that collection give away rare (silver). The rest are ordinary (bronze).

  1. Holders participate in a monthly raffle with prizes from DAO and partner projects, with legendary giving x10, rare x5, regular x1 tickets.
  2. Priority queue for sales or separate day (period of time) for NFT holders.
  3. Discounts for project sales tokens: Legendary 20%, Rare 10%, Regular 5%.

I really like the idea of prizes, but the top 10 is an extremely small number of participants, and with a gap in points it will be almost impossible to catch up. I would like to suggest that the top 10 be awarded with material gifts, and the top 100 should be awarded in project tokens, it is also very difficult to get into the top 100, I have been striving to get there for several months, while I do a lot to promote the project every day on crew3. It seems to me that expanding the list to the top 100 would be fair, especially since this is a standard practice for many projects on crew3.


I support your suggestions, but I find them insufficient. The rewards that will be determined only for the first 10 or the first 100 people will reduce the interest of those who are lower in the order to crew3 missions. this goes against the effect crew3 wants to create. so I think the rewards should be extended to the first 300 people. So someone who has no hope for the top 100 will at least try harder to get into the top 300.