What makes a good SoftDAO forum post?

Community is the key to moving forward.
I believe this community will make us steadily moving forward.


Many experts predict that VAs will develop strongly in 2022-2023. We are in for a real trend towards autonomous decentralised organisations. This will be the case largely because of the potential wave of recognition of DAOs. Soon, DAOs around the world will start to be recognised by states and enter the legal field. For example, as early as 2021, some US states have passed laws that recognize DAOs as a new form of company.In addition, DAOs await a qualitative upgrade of the systems and services themselves. For example, the principle of voting will become even simpler and the distribution of roles among users will reach a new level. This will increase the efficiency of the system as a whole.


Community is what everyone should come together to create and contribute to! With recognition, the community will gradually grow stronger!


yes,That’s true,keep up the good work I think they should be treated with understanding!
Very true! It is desirable for everyone to read this, and then the atmosphere will be much fuller)


Definitely agree. Building a DAO governance is crucial. It requires a real community. Not bots saying “great project” .

Indeed what makes a good softdao is having a good critic individual that is knowledgeable enough to contribute in the discussions.

Also aims to filter and maintain the a community with class as it serves the building blocks or foundation of the project.


A good reminder for anyone who likes to write off-topic and in a rough way too, so I think this is a useful read for anyone who wants to write something!


a good investment is the giving of all your time, a good investment means loving your job, because only then you can move mountains


you are so right, maybe are you cap? You need feel it, if you want to be good investor, you need spend 10000 hours and 1 million dollars!


Thx sir! Good message for the community. Very impressed with the project. I will do my best to be useful to our community.


I think this forum is really important for the community. Please let’s do our best to make it a useful platform.


What are the future development plans? Perhaps you have plans for several years ahead 5. Tell the community, it’s very interesting


Hi there. Contributors must be maximum responsible for the voting and maximum decentralised. I hope it will be like that


In every project there will be people who sends meaningless messages. Can we come up with punishments/penalties for that?


Yes, that’s right, the best option is to attract investors, which will positively affect the price of the token


everyone) for the first time I see that the project is so worried about real activity, so you don’t give a damn) I’ll be watching you, thanks


Let’s build a wonderful and good quality community. :slight_smile: Community is what everyone should come together

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Your comment is well-thought-out, Your comment is intended to contribute to the discussion
,Your comment is a new thought rather than a summary of another post. These are the main requirements for the post. Not only “gm, gn, hi”

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totally agree with you
I think our members want to comment is intended to contribute to the discussion about SoftDao posts but the language is the main obstruct as well :sweat_smile:

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A good community arises from the actions of people in the community.
Saying good and doing good starts with ourselves.
When good things start with us The community will also receive good things.

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