Rewards for Leading Crew3 Participants

I’m wondering, what is the reason for the proposal to award only 10 participants? Wouldn’t it be better to reward more people by reducing the reward? usually in activities like crew3 opinion leaders take the first places, but damn it, I can say with confidence, since I myself am in the top 50, that those who are in the top hundred are people who have done a good job in this direction, because in order to get into the hundred you had to perform different tasks and they did it not in one day, but for a long time…


I would like more people to be awarded, not 10. And those who are constantly in the project, and not today, came, completed all the tasks and left.


I also like this approach. One of the main principles should be a balanced attitude towards each member of the community. Then there will be a fair distribution of everyone’s rights and responsibilities.


Good offer. I will say one thing that to get into the top you do not need to have more than that, just do what you know how. All the best


At the moment, crew3 has over 8,000 members. If you want to reward only the TOP10 (0.125%), then this is very small and unfair. You need to reward at least 1% of users. Then why participate in crew3?


Certainly when there are already rewards they must be valuable, if they are of the value of $20-50 they do more to disadvantage than to benefit, more to discourage than to help development. Every job should be rewarded handsomely. You can’t smell a scam here like in discount grocery store promotions.


Awesome, and I fully hoped this proposal will make the community alive again. So, create more activities to strength the Soft too.


Наградить тех, кто давно в экипаже 3 было бы здорово. Вы можете делать вознаграждения для старых и новых пользователей сервиса отдельно. Можно сделать градацию например топ10 одни награды, топ10-30 другие уже поменьше и так до 100 места


I hope that such a big project will reward more than 10 participants :wink:
It will be very dissapoint to 99.9% participants…


An interesting system, at least the top 50 gave coins) well, we’ll see further I wonder what will happen next, how the selection of tasks and rewards will continue


Excellent, I agree with everyone’s decision-making because everyone who deserves it should be rewarded equally, but everything ultimately depends on suitability.


I also keep repeating that new people are entering the community and will continue to do so as the project develops, and we need to think about them too and develop a system of motivation!!!.

As for incentives for those who are already involved - a system of motivation should be for all participants of CREW3 without exception; you should not say - “We will give incentives for participation in CREW3” and loudly declare it, because everyone will be waiting for these incentives, in the end there will be dissatisfied participants…
Once again, I suggest the team think hard about an incentive system for all community members!!! If approved, I will help develop such a system.
From practice, I know that it is better not to offer anything specific on rewards for the community, and then encourage faithful followers, and it will be much more effective and there will be less dissatisfied with the policy of rewards (because We have not promised anything).

Please like this post those who are close to this idea!


The reward is good, I think it’s worth expanding the list to 100 participants, this will at least increase the interest of the community.


Totally agree with you. Since the decision to award TOP10 is not the best decision. There are not 10 people in the community, but several thousand


In my opinion, this proposal nullifies the work of many people. In fact, the Soft DAO project involved a lot of talented people who performed many tasks to maintain a positive atmosphere around the project and increase the awareness of Soft DAO. Given this, the option of rewarding 10 people may cause a backlash. I believe that rewarding only 10 participants is extremely unfair. It is extremely important to respect the work of all people and to reward people according to their efforts and the amount of work.


Any work should be paid - this mechanism helps to develop any project. It doesn’t matter if you got into the top performers or not (you won’t get far on some top performers) because anyone who uses their social networks helps the development of the project. Imagine if you only had 100 performers. How would your project develop? How do you know whose work produced the most results? Fair is to reward everyone who took part, and the distribution should be proportional.


I completely agree with this proposal, it will motivate SoftDAO community members to work harder, building a strong community together.


A rewarding quest will draw attention to the site. It would be great to add tasks to interact with the site, and not just community tasks


My opinion, I think about scale cap rank current sprint to top 50 and who won that get role special “Crew3Hunting” for reward in future.


100 people is too small. There are some who use bots or abuse multiple accounts, so I would like to work on filtering out them and increase it to more than 300 people.